The High Five Program is a unique educational program that focuses on supporting students who are Deafblind, blind, or visually impaired, between the ages of 18-21 years old as they prepare to transition from school to adult life. This program offers a small class ratio with many opportunities for a variety of options from music, physical education, and personal fitness to work experience.
The transition process for students who are Deafblind, blind or visually impaired from school to adult life is a complex and extensive process. To assist each student in this process, the team conducts regular team meetings to develop a coordinated plan and build connections and relationships with community partners. These consistent meetings ensure that all supports are in place before the student graduates from WRMS.
WRMS offers a comprehensive dormitory experience for students outside of the Brantford Community. Qualified, caring, and experienced counsellors create and maintain a safe, exciting, and inclusive home environment. After school programs allow students to further develop their learning skills with qualified instructors. Parents, students, and instructors collaborate to create a plan for independence in areas such as personal health, hygiene, nutrition, recreation, and social development. Students can participate in a variety of recreational clubs and social activities which occur on campus or within the community. Some of the activities include but are not limited to spa nights, cooking, music, art, sit and fit, dance fit, goal ball, hiking and outdoor exploration, tandem biking, off campus outings.
Students must be able to participate in a program that focuses on life skills and a curriculum that centres on areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum.
For additional information regarding the program and the application process, please contact:
Lynne Osasuyi for more information.